Thanks to everyone for their support for the 1996 Cup winners reunion night which was a great success. There was an excellent turnout from the players who were obviously enjoying being back in each other’s company and were happy to share their memories. We are indebted to Alan McCredie and Euan Welsh for the video and to Jim Fleming who refereed the game and Peter Gallagher the Watsonians coach on the day for coming and contributing so memorably to the night.

‘Back row (left to right) Cammy Murray, Kevin Reid, Keith Scott, Tony Stanger, Brian McDonnell, Grant Harris, Scott Welsh, & Cup Mascot Stephen Hill. Front row Ian Elliot, John Graham, Brian Renwick (capt) Alistair Imray, Colin Turnbull, Jim Hay’

‘Captain Renwick, with his three try scorers from that day, Colin Turnbull, Alistair Imray & Scott Welsh’