November is a big month for the commemoration. The launch of the eagerly awaited “Voices of Hawick Rugby” book will be held in the Clubrooms on Wednesday 8 November at 7.00. The book is priced at £25. Cash is the preferred method of payment on the launch night. An open invitation not just to those who have contributed to the book but to everybody has been issued on our social media, in the programme and through the Hawick Paper. It looks like there could be a lot of people there. The bar will be open on the night, Committee are asked to rally round to assist where necessary.
Before what will be a crucial game against Marr at 12.30 on the very appropriate date of Saturday 11 November a ceremony will be held to unveil a bench, the work of skilled Hawick craftsman Bernie Armstrong, in memory of all the Hawick RFC players and members who laid down their lives in the service of their country and never returned to Mansfield Park. Ross Cameron is going to speak, Alan Brydon is going to sing, Roddy McIntyre will be piping and Michael Scouler is going to dedicate the bench. Our Captain and Vice Captains will be in attendance. They will also be laying a wreath on behalf of the Club at the War Memorial on Sunday. A group from Bailleul, here for Remembrance weekend, will be at the unveiling. There will be a minute’s silence before the game.