This just goes to show the memories Mansfield Park has for so many………
Whilst attending Hawick Rugby Memories this afternoon a gentleman called Louis Ungerer and his lovely wife appeared at the club. He was on holiday to the UK visiting his son in London, before heading up through the country to St Andrew’s to play the Old Course!
En route he wanted to bring his wife to show her where he played in his youth. In his own words, he wanted to rekindle memories of playing at Mansfield Park back in season 94/95 when on tour with a South African Police Federation team who played against a South Districts team. With the clubrooms being open he was fortuitously able to join us for part of the Memories afternoon natch highlights and then Ian & Margaret Landles and I showed him the Honours Bar, where he saw our internationalists honours wall, recognising Stuart, Darcy and Suz together with Lisa, Lana and all. He just sent us this message on FB….surely this is the greatest game in the world 

Hi Malcolm., thanks for the heartwarming reception. It was nice to relive some old memories. Hawick will always be special to me. Kind regards and best wishes for the club